
Friday, January 19, 2007

Check it out - 5th month!

OOOOOoohhh, I just noticed my pregnancy ticker above moved to the 5th month! WooooHooooo.
Long discussion with Ob/Gyn yesterday about attempting a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). He's leaving it up to me, but stressed the 1% chance of bad things happening. Further research says it is really a 0.6% chance. I think he likes to do surgery.
I am still torn though. I want a "regular" birth, but also a little frightened of the pain and wondering if I'm physically fit enough to do it.
I also don't know how supportive this doc will be and if Da Kane will support me either. Good thing I have several months to decide.
Any input?
Boring day at work today. I really need to get re-motivated or something.


Erica said...

Good luck making your decision. I can understand being torn - you know what to expect with surgery but a vaginal birth is such an unknown.

If you feel strongly about attempting a VBAC you should look into hiring a doula - especially if you are unsure of how supportive your dr etc... will be. You can find one in your area at or I think Sandra (A shot in the dark) also did some work as a doula and might have some good advice.

You will find that people have SUCH strong opinions on this topic but the bottom line is, do what is best for YOU (mentally, physically etc.) and remember all that matters is a healthy baby :-)

Sarah said...

A doula is an AWESOME idea, even if you don't go the route of VBAC. I had a college student (nursing student) act as my doula for my daughter's birth, and she was fabulous. She gave me back rubs, and was just THERE for me. I'm a single mom, so it helped for other reasons as well, but it was nice to have someone who was only there for me. If I needed something she was there, and she helped me voice my needs when I was in vulnerable position (you know, in labor, sometimes it is hard to get your point across!)